NDSU Partnering with Abortion Industry!

By January 16, 2013North Dakota

On the heels of the great victory of the North Dakota Bison in Frisco, Texas, comes a downer news story about North Dakota State University (NDSU). The Grand Forks Herald (GFH) reports that NDSU is partnering with the infamous abortion provider Planned Parenthood (PP) to teach “new” sex education to North Dakota’s teenagers ages 14-19. This breaking news coincides with the release of Planned Parenthood’s (PP) Annual Report for 2011-2012, showing once again that PP is the nation’s largest abortion provider.

There are many questions to ask NDSU and its faculty about this joint venture; foremost is why they would undermine parents and North Dakota values by partnering with an abortion business in the first place. The Federal grant that covers this “education” program amounts to $1.2 million of taxpayers’ hard-earned monies. In 2011 the North Dakota Legislature rejected this program/funding from the federal government, but somehow NDSU figures it can go rogue here and overrule the will of the people of North Dakota. When the office of the President of NDSU was contacted, he claimed in writing that there was no state funding here, so no worries. “It is all legal” he said. So federal dollars are not taxpayer-funded, Mr. President? Even a fifth-grader knows better than that. The name of this controversial program being launched by NDSU is “Making Healthy Choices” which is a misnomer in so many ways. They claim in their documentation to “utilize the expertise and extensive experience of NDSU and PP to provide medically accurate, culturally responsive, evidence based sexuality education and adult preparation” but yet claim to the GFH that they will never encourage “teenagers to have sex.” Eh? Lots of fancy reassuring language there, BUT that is all it is empty rhetoric as usual. The proof in the pudding shows otherwise.

Planned Parenthood’s 2011-2012 annual report, just released, shows that the abortion provider received a staggering $542 million in government funding, while performing 333,964 abortions during that year. PP claims to be a health care provider, which is a blatant lie unless, of course, you buy into the false narrative that killing America’s unborn children amounts to health care. In the same period, PP showed annual revenue of 1.2 billion dollars. Follow the money here, and the intent is quite clear. Let me put it this way; if a teen does NOT engage in pre-marital sex, then who makes money on them? No one. However, if they do engage in pre-marital sex, as PP highly supports, then who makes a big buck on your son or daughter? Hmm, that would be PP amongst others. The program also states that the targeted teens are to be “youth of color, low-income, homeless, juvenile justice and foster care youth as well as GLBTQ youth.” That begs the question of where and how these youth will be targeted and located. Many of these are sealed records demographics, are they not?

In the GFH article, the NDSU also falsely claims to have contacted “dozens of community organizations” who deal with youth at risk on this subject in North Dakota. Having called several organizations and crisis centers who promote abstinence, I found none had been contacted by NDSU or PP. Please also remember that PP is an overtly political organization whose Political Action Committee ( PAC) only supports candidates who are pro-abortion without any restrictions.

So why would a North Dakota institution of higher education want to partner with PP? Beats me, though, I do know that academia tends to drink the liberal left’s kool-aid when it comes to sex education. Why would Planned Parenthood receive more than half a billion dollars of government funds to promote death, crime (yes, they do as in the cover-up of statutory rape), and deviancy? The short answer is because it can, thanks to politicians who either ignore Planned Parenthood’s actions or, worse, support them. Now NDSU has joined the party by partnering with PP, using taxpayers’ monies to do so. It is not only disturbing; it is plainly and simply disgusting!

Parents of Fargo teens be aware! PP and apparently NDSU, are NOT out to protect your child or teach him/her healthy choices. They are ultimately after making money on your children, and may I suggest that the founding eugenic principles of PP begs the question here; it smells of this horrid ideology as indicated by the teens they target. Do not forget that PP has never disavowed Margaret Sanger, their founder’s statements, “The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race More children from the fit, less from the unfit — that is the chief aim of birth control.” Great choice of partner NDSU.

Action: Contact President Bresciani at NDSU Dean.Bresciani@ndsu.edu and express your disgust with this alliance and demand it be cancelled. NDSU should be held to higher standards!

North Dakota parents do not stay on the sidelines; do not grow tired or discouraged. We must be very clear in understanding this: we stand in the breach. The children targeted here, the unfortunate, the disabled, the poor, and the unborn all depend on us for our action.

Action: Contact your legislators and ask them to take action on this. Contact them here: http://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/63-2013/members/.