National Day of Prayer

By May 8, 2013Tennessee

I was wondering how I was going to write the prayer I had been asked to do for the Family on the National Day of Prayer. I had put it off too long and it was coming down to the wire. I just couldn’t gather my thoughts. I had so many things going through my mind, it was impossible for me to focus. Then, two days before the big day, I received an answer to prayer. After a busy day, I came home to a box full of books sent to me by the CWA National office. The titles were things like Prayer: God’s Comfort for Today’s Family and Spiritual Power for your Family, both by Beverly LaHaye. I was able to use excerpts from the books to construct my prayer and believe that God intervened in my behalf. It may seem small to some, but to me this is just one more instance that shows me that God is directing my path. I am so thankful to be working with men and women who listen to the urging of God’s spirit and I know that we are all working together for God’s purpose.

This is the prayer I was privileged to present at the State Capitol on the National Day of Prayer:

Prayer for the Family
Presented by Brenda Causey
May 2, 2013

So, God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said unto them, “Be fruitful and multiply.”

This is our first glimpse of God’s definition of The Family.

We are privileged to address the supreme, omnipotent Creator of all things as our “Dear Heavenly Father,” for we have been adopted into the family of God. He has made us His children, and He wants us to converse with him in prayer.

Prayer is to a family what a roof is to a house; it protects those within, from the adversities of life. So, let us go to God now in prayer for the families of our nation. Please bow your heads.

Father, it is apparent throughout Your Word that You instituted the family. I pray in the name of Jesus that the standard of a godly family would be restored to our nation. May there be a resurgence in the public forum of the benefits of a godly family. May it become apparent to those who form public opinion that family values, as represented in Scripture are the path in which to lead our nation.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You to raise up Fathers with vision and purpose in the Body of Christ and Mothers of integrity who have the ability to unify and rally the Body of Christ at large.

May they be godly examples to their children whom they shepherd, as they pray for Your guidance in every facet of their lives.

May they have the ability to make Your ways plain and clear, inspiring their children who hear their words, to seek a deep and abiding relationship with You – the Father of all.

Lord, give our children a voice to speak to the conscience of our nation. May they not only influence the believer, but may they also influence those who have not yet come to know You as Lord and Saviour. And may they use such words that would inspire and motivate our entire nation.

Our family is our most valuable and important possession. We must carefully protect it as if our lives depended on it, because the lives of our children surely do. In this day and time it is possible to raise a family to love and serve You, but it takes more effort and time, than it ever has. Help us to make our family the highest priority, and only with Your help can we do it.

We ask you to train us in righteousness as well as wisdom. Even as our children grow, that we may continually grow in maturity and responsiveness to You.


Paul said in Romans “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the holy spirit,” Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. And let us declare with faith and joy, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”