Nance Reacts to Gallup Abortion Poll

Washington, D.C. Concerned Women for America (CWA) CEO Penny Nance released the following statement on a new Gallup poll that says 61% of Americans say all or most abortions should be illegal.

“The most recent Gallup poll is only the latest in a clear pro-life public opinion trend. As technology advances with sonograms and ultrasounds, increasingly every parent and grandparent can’t help but adopt a sympathetic embrace of the pro-life position. Abortion destroys human life at its most innocent and vulnerable, and in the almost 40 years since the Roe v. Wade decision, whole generations have been lost to the lie of abortion. It is long past time that Congress, state legislatures and judges on every bench realize that Roe was wrongly decided and innocent human life must be welcomed in life and protected in law. Congress can start by defunding Planned Parenthood, which disgustingly uses taxpayer money to finance abortions and then blatantly lies about it.”