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More Obama Hypocrisy on Maher

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WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama today failed to live up to his own “civil discourse” standards, by refusing to reject the $1 million given to his SuperPAC by vile misogynist comedian Bill Maher.

In his press briefing today, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was asked about CWA’s letter to White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew demanding that Mr. Obama stop fundraising for the SuperPAC (Priorities USA) with ties to Maher, or demand they donate Maher’s money to charity.

Carney refused to commit.

According to USA TODAY: “As for Maher’s PAC contribution, White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama has nothing to do with Priorities USA, and can’t legally tell it what to do.” (USA Today, “Limbaugh backers to Obama: Give back Maher’s money,” 3/8/2012)

However, White House officials are currently raising money for the group Carney claims they have nothing to do with. According to The New York Times Obama White House chief political aide David Plouffe headlined a fundraiser for Priorities USA last week, and the White House plans to send other administration officials to raise money for the group in the coming year.

“President Obama has every ability to pull back his support for this organization, as his own officials are actively raising money for it,” said Penny Nance, President and CEO of Concerned Women for America. “Mr. Obama appears to be starting a campaign of double talk on ethical standards, as he is criticizing Rush Limbaugh on the one hand, and taking $1 million from a vile misogynistic comedian on the other.”

For more information about Concerned Women for America or to arrange an interview with Penny Nance, contact Alison Howard at
