Modern Medicine Proves Life is Worth Protecting at 20 Weeks, May Our Laws Concur

By September 29, 2017Hawaii

Next Tuesday, October 3, there will be a vote on H.R. 36, Pain Capable Unborn Child Act, in Washington, D.C.  We have tried for some time now to get this passed into law so that a fetus 20 weeks or older will not be destroyed through abortion.  This life-saving legislation would ban abortions at the point when scientists agree unborn children begin to feel pain in the womb (approximately 20 weeks).  There is a young boy right now who is five years old who was born at 20 weeks gestation.  Years ago this would not have been possible; yet through continually advancing medicine, this child is now thriving.

Please act now to support this bill.

  1. First, contact your Representative and asking her to vote yes on H.R. 36 on Tuesday. Click here to find out who your representative is.  Click on “Representative” and then fill in your address.
  2. Then, contact your senators and ask them to do the same when it comes before them.

President Donald Trump has already said he will sign this bill when it comes to his desk.

 Please take a moment now to prayer for the success of this bill.  Pray for your representative by name.  Pray her eyes will be opened to the reality of abortion and that she will have the courage to do the right thing.

Barbara J. Ferraro

State Director
CWA of Hawaii