Merry Christmas from CWA of Florida and Looking Forward to 2017

By December 18, 2016Florida

To Florida’s Concerned Women:

As 2016 draws to a close, it is encouraging to look back over what has been accomplished through the efforts of Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Florida. We look forward with expectation to what the Lord has for us in 2017.

The 2016 Florida Legislature and Gov. Rick Scott passed several bills that were victories for Christians and conservatives which included support for Israel, increased human trafficking penalties and the Pastors’ Protection Act. Working in conjunction with like-minded organizations, we were able to mobilize people to pray, call and e-mail their support to our lawmakers at critical junctures in the legislative process. Let us not underestimate the power of our prayers. We thank God for hearing us. Unfortunately, the Abortion Clinic Regulations/Public Funding Prohibition bill, which would have defunded Planned Parenthood, was met with a challenge by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).  The Supreme Court agreed to hear the case, but the status is uncertain.  Keep this item in your prayers.

In the meantime, The Obama Administration finalized a new pro-abortion rule from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that may prevent states from blocking Title X funding to abortion companies like Planned Parenthood. Click here to read more.

As you know, Florida was a hot state in the Presidential election. Our state Prayer/Action Chapters were heavily involved in canvassing households and distributing voter guides door-to-door.  With six teams working across the state, we were able to distribute 300,000 voter guides leading up to the November 8 Election. Highlighting issues that CWA has chosen to focus on, the guides compared the stances of the candidates so that voters could readily see which one aligned with their values.

For the first time in twelve years, Republicans will control the Federal executive and legislative branches. With the 2016 elections, there are 33 Republican governors, 37 Republican majority state senates and 31 Republican majority state houses. In Florida, Republicans now control the Governor’s Office, Senate and House. Because history has shown that more often these are the officials who’ve favored the positions of CWA, we are tremendously expectant as we go into 2017.

CWA of Florida Legislative Liaison Cathy Fruit will be monitoring bills of interest to us in Florida’s 2017 Legislative Session, set to begin March 7. We have a busy year ahead as we anticipate the changes President-elect Trump will make as well as our state governor and legislature.  This is no time to sit back. There is momentum building, and now more than ever we need your participation. We need strong Prayer/Action Chapter Leaders in every county. Please consider heading up a Chapter in your area. My Steering Committee and I will do everything we can to get your group started. In addition, please forward this letter to like-minded friends and family and ask them to consider signing up for both national and state e-alerts on our homepage.

We have much to be thankful for this Christmas season, especially for a Lord who cares for our every need. This may not be the time, but when you are able, consider giving to the work of CWA of Florida. Donate your tax-deductible gift online.  It is an organization that does respectable work and carefully stewards its resources.

Merry Christmas! I pray you are blessed in the year ahead and look forward to serving you.

Terri Johannessen
State Director
CWA of Florida