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Merry Christmas From CWA of California Steering Committee! (Message 2 of 3)

By December 21, 2018California
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Ruth Smith, Southern California Area Director

What an honor and privilege it is to work with fantastic, Spirit-filled, powerful CWA women!  Although we can get discouraged when we see the direction that California is headed, we can also be encouraged because many more women are joining CWA as either chapter leaders or members. As Hudson Taylor, missionary to China said, “The battle is won on our knees.”  We can be confident that as we address our concerns, first through prayer, God is fighting on our behalf. If you haven’t joined a Prayer/Action Chapter, I encourage you to make that your New Year’s resolution! If there isn’t one in your area, would you consider starting one?

The Scripture that I am meditating on this Christmas season is Philippians 2:6-8, “Jesus Christ, who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God, something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross.” Join me in this meditation, therefore conforming our attitude to that of Christ Jesus!

Merry Christmas and may God richly bless you in 2019!

Sheri Miller, Executive Advisor and Prayer/Action Chapter Leader

I LOVE Christmas! But the joy I have all year is: “Immanuel … God with us” (Matthew 6:23). This year, Americans have been more divided, morally and politically, than we have ever known as a nation. But praise God for His presence with us through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, and Savior!

Praise God for the 40 year heritage of Concerned Women for America with a mission to protect Biblical values and Constitutional freedoms in public policy through prayer, education, and advocacy. I have had the privilege of serving CWA since 1995 in multiple leadership roles including eight years in North Carolina as State Director, and for the past two years, I have been honored to serve as CWA of California’s Executive Advisor and the last year as a Prayer/Action Chapter Leader in Irvine.

What a joy it has been to serve with the State Steering Committee under Marlo’s leadership. I have been privileged to lead the state quarterly prayer conference calls, to speak at some pro-life rallies and local churches about CWA, and to be interviewed on radio on the topic of Awaken Church-Vote Your Values.

CWA of California has been strengthened this year as it has served alongside excellent ministries and their events such as 40 Days for Life’s prayer vigils, Family Research Council’s Bus Tour – Pray Stand Vote, and over 500 Christians, at the Day of Action at the State Capitol to oppose AB 2943 and SB 320, and others.

Do not doubt it; God is with us, and God is with Concerned Women for America as we humbly pray … God will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). Keep the faith!
Carissa Campbell, our beloved Northern Area Director, will be leaving. She blessed our state with diligent efforts at the State Capitol meeting with legislators and staff on policy issues, hosting diaper drives to support pregnant women in need, as well as delivering baked Christmas cookies personally to our 120 legislators’ offices. Thank you, Carissa, for all your service!