Meet Your New State Director!

By January 30, 2015Kansas

Greetings! My name is Barbara Saldivar; I am thrilled to be the new CWA of Kansas State Director. I am excited to see what the Lord is going to do this year and in the years to come through the ministry of CWA of Kansas.

My introduction to CWA was sixteen years ago as I shared some intense but enjoyable times at the state legislature with former CWA of Kansas State Director, Judy Smith. At that time, I was the lobbyist for Kansans for Life. Then in 2003, I became the Founder and Director of Christians for Life, Inc. Pro-life work has always been my first love and continues to be though through many conversations with Judy, I certainly saw the need for broader concerns such as education, family, national sovereignty and more. Judy has so much knowledge, and I have benefited from knowing her through the years. I thank her for sharing CWA’s stand on the core issues and how these issues relate to what goes on in Topeka at the State House.

The issue we expect to deal with this year is, first and foremost, the Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act. This promises to save about 600 babies in Kansas and be a great educational tool as we inform the public of the horrors of abortion. There are other issues we will keep an eye on such as marijuana legalization, possible marriage and divorce changes, bills concerning pornography, and death with dignity.

We have much to do in 2015. Will you join us? Contact me today to find out how you can make a difference in our great state. I would love to hear from you! Contact me at or call 785-286-3432 with any questions, concerns or comments.
Please pray for me; please pray for CWA of Kansas and pray for our success as we seek the Lord for wisdom and guidance in all things. Thank you.