Media Advisory: CWA and Pro-Life Groups Rally to Stop Abortion Extremism in Virginia

Washington, D.C. – Concerned Women for America joins Susan B. Anthony List, The Virginia Family Foundation, Students for Life, and other pro-life organizations in holding a press conference this Saturday, February 2, in Lorton, VIrginia, to oppose Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran’s bill allowing abortions up until the moment of birth. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) has not only failed to disavow the bill but went so far as to say that mothers and physicians can discuss a child’s viability post-birth.



Penny Nance, Concerned Women for America,

Denise Cappuccio, Concerned Women for America

Marjorie Dannenfelser, Susan B. Anthony List

Victoria Cobb, The Virginia Family Foundation

Olivia Gans Turner, Virginia Society for Human Life, National Right to Life

Amy McInerny, Diocese of Arlington

Tina Whittington, Students for Life

Amy McInerny, Respect Life for the Catholic Diocese of Arlington

Alison Centofante, Live Action

Janae Stracke, Heritage Action for America


WHAT:             Rally to Stop Abortion Extremism in Virginia #ResistInfanticide


WHEN:             Saturday, February 2, 12:00 p.m., Noon


WHERE:           South County High School

8501 Silverbrook Rd, Lorton, Virginia 22079

Main Entrance


Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, said the following:

“Abortion undermines every life. In the United States of America, the beacon of human rights to the world, abortion is giving way to infanticide. Pro-life leaders have been warning about this for decades, and now we’re facing what we always knew would be the reality. Delegate Kathy Tran’s bill, which allows an abortion even as a baby is preparing to come through the birth canal, is unspeakably evil, and Gov. Northam’s commitment to stand by it is unforgivable.”