May 5 – Celebrate Mother’s Day Early at the Women for Life Prayer Walk in Charlotte!

Dear Ladies (and Men, too),

I hope your plans are to join us this Saturday morning, May 5, for the Women for Life Prayer Walk! CWA of North Carolina, in partnership with several pro-life groups, is proudly co-sponsoring this outstanding event that you don’t want to miss!

I have been looking forward to this special day for weeks now! If you have not yet come out to take your stand for the most innocent among us, at a Love Life Charlotte Prayer Walk event, now is the time!

Love Life Charlotte is praying for 1,000 women to Prayer Walk on Saturday! Women, children, babies, teenagers, college-aged women, grandmothers are all welcome!  Oh, AND men too!  Men, you are needed for safety, security, T-shirt distribution, setup, and breakdown. (Gentlemen, please email Anna at to let her know you would like to volunteer.)

 Women for Life Prayer Walk

Saturday, May 5

9:00-11:00 a.m.

Meeting Location: Palmer Plaza at 1004 Palmer Plaza Lane, Charlotte

Brief walk to abortion clinic, A Preferred Women’s Health, at 3320 Latrobe Drive, Charlotte

Find additional information regarding Love Life Charlotte at Please view their video at

Some of you have expressed that you are hesitant to pray in front of an abortion clinic.  In the past, others just like you felt the same until they attended a Love Life Charlotte event.  They later said that the Prayer Walk they participated in was life-changing! Don’t miss out; attend this next weekend!

God IS waking up His church in Charlotte! He has opened our ears to the cries of the unborn. Look at what happened in only the second year of Love Life Charlotte’s ministry by the end of 2017 when we walked and prayed on those 40 Saturday mornings!







The numbers above are remarkable! They show the importance of the numbers of people there and the POWER of prayer! Won’t you say YES to helping save babies and their moms while advancing the Gospel?

It is crucial for us as women to connect with these vulnerable women and their families with a unified voice, reaching out to them first in prayer. We can no longer look the other way. We believe that we are SO close to seeing this abortion clinic close. Will you join me on Saturday?

What better way to celebrate Mother’s Day! This event is just one week before Mother’s Day. It is the perfect time to proclaim a message of hope and love. Is there any better gift than the gift of LIFE for those scheduled for slaughter? The mothers we are praying for are often pressured into getting an abortion by the men in their life OR even by their own mothers. Many don’t believe there are any other options. They have been deceived and misled. They do not know that there are people who truly care about them and are able to help them … not just with words; but with love, caring, and assistance. (Go to to read about those helped by Love Life Charlotte.)

Schedule for Saturday:
9:00 a.m.            Check in at the Love Life Tent. (If you have a Love Life t-shirt, wear it. Or, receive a free T-shirt.)
9:15 a.m.            Prayer & Worship
9:30 a.m.            Begin Prayer Walk – Pray through prayer points provided
10:00 a.m.          Stand in front of the abortion clinic and pray for the Mom’s, Dad’s and babies inside of the abortion clinic that they would have an encounter with the Holy Spirit, get up and leave the clinic, and receive life seeking help through all of the options available.
10:30 a.m.          Walk back to Love Life Charlotte Check-In Tent
10:45 a.m.          Prayer, praise and worship, testimonies and group picture
11:00 a.m.          Finished

Please email, text, or call me to say that you will join us! Please add your name as one who will stand for LIFE on Saturday with us. If you have any questions, please contact me. (And, of course, walk-ins are welcome, too!)

This is our Esther moment. “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place; but you and your father’s house will perish.  And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”  (Esther 4:14)

Can we count on you?

For Life and Righteousness,

Jill Coward
State Director
CWA of North Carolina

The lighthouse is pictured on our CWA of North Carolina website symbolizing that we are to be a light in the darkness. In these dark days, we appreciate your contribution to CWA of North Carolina. Our state is run exclusively by volunteers and supported 100 percent through donations. And again we thank you … your donation will make a difference in North Carolina through prayer and action.

Would you like to get more involved with CWA of North Carolina? Join a Prayer/Action chapter.  Contact me today to find out if there is a CWA chapter in your area.

If someone forwarded you this e-alert and you would like to be on our e-alert list, please contact me.

Additional information about CWA of North Carolina: