March 9 to April 19, 2011 – CWA of New Hampshire Joins New Hampshire Right To Life in 40 Days For Life

By March 1, 2011New Hampshire

Prayer and Action are CWA’s watchwords. During 40 Days for Life, we are praying and collecting signatures on a petition to give to our legislature asking them to STOP giving tax dollars to the abortion providers in our state.

What you can do:

1. Sign up to pray at a clinic in your area. There are hour slots everyday; you can sign-up for as

many hours and days as you have time to attend. Click here to sign up for the Manchester location. Click here to sign up for the Greenland location.

2. Click here to sign CWA’s national petition.

3. Click here to sign CWA of New Hampshire’s state petition.

4. Help us collect signatures by getting your family, friends, and neighbors to sign the petitions; enlist them to do the same with their circle of friends and relatives. E-mail this link to them as well as print out the state petition, have folks sign it and then send it to me to deliver a copy to all our state legislators.

While praying at the clinics has the most impact, if you cannot go to a clinic, please pray an hour a day for the unborn and their mothers between March 9 April 19, 2011. Mark your calendar!