Make Sure California Churches No Longer Have to Pay For Abortions

By January 28, 2015California

Earlier this month CWA of California wrote to Governor Edward G. Brown Jr. (D-California). Our opening paragraph was, “The California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) has ordered that all insurance plans cover elective abortions and categorize such abortions as ‘basic health care’. Not only is abortion not health ‘care’, but forcing provision for it is a slap in the face to churches, businesses and non-profits who are strongly opposed to abortion. Abortion violates their deeply-held religious beliefs for the obvious fact that it extinguishes human life. That is tyranny.” Click here to read the letter in its entirety.

Read Sen. Joel Anderson (R-California) and Pastor Jim Garlow’s helpful assessment of this issue, Religious Liberty Trampled in Golden State.

Pray: Religious liberty must be retained. Pray for Governor Brown (D-California) and the DMHC to reverse this decision. Pray that churches, non-profits and all California citizens will regain their fundamental right to religious freedom that has been infringed upon by government.

Act: Write your own letter to Gov. Brown. Click here for contact information. Then, pass this alert on to your like-minded friends in California and ask them to pray and take action as well.