Make a Difference for Life – Read How

By June 17, 2021Maine

I am asking you to make two phone calls today to let your state senator and state representative know you want them to defend life. The following bills were scheduled to be voted on, but were tabled:

  • LD 851 would require women to be informed their abortion can be reversed after taking the abortion pill
  • LD 748 and 915 would stop tax-funded abortions in Maine
  • LD 825 would ensure women are informed of options and alternatives.

Take Action!

  1. Call the Maine House at 287-1400 and tell the operator your name and your town. Ask them to leave a message for your state representative. The message is very simple: Please defend life and vote for LD’s 851, 748, 915, and 825.
  2. Call the Maine Senate at 287-1540 and tell the operator your name and your town. Ask them to leave a message for your state senator. The message is very simple: Please defend life and vote for LD’s 851, 748, 915, and 825.

Please call as soon as you are able. Forward this information to family and friends.

Thank you.

Penny Morrell
State Director