Make a Difference in Your State!

By July 20, 2014Missouri

We have a variety of opportunities for involvement in CWA of Missouri.  You are needed!

Lobby and/or pray at the state capitol
Join our lobbying team at the State Capitol. These ladies are there every week during session, attending hearings, visiting with office holders, delivering information, forming relationships and standing for God’s Truth. You can attend one of our monthly CWA of MO Lobby Days or maybe you can commit to two, three or four days a month or more, let us know!

Legislative Team:

Linda K. Laird
Legislative Liaison

Sherry Kuttenkuler
Legislative Liaison

Bev Ehlen
State Director

Be part of our Encourage-A-Legislator Program
The goal of the Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) program is to encourage each member of the Missouri General Assembly, as well as state-wide office holders, by praying for them on a regular basis and sending them a postcard every week throughout the legislative session.  Click here to view our EAL brochure and then contact Ginger Yoak to sign up for the 2016 legislative session.

Ginger Yoak
Encourage-A-Legislator Coordinator

Host a CWA educational event.
Which one of our core issues concerns you the most?  Let us know, and we will look into the possibility of putting on an educational event in your area on that issue.

Host a meeting on Agenda 21 and how it threatens our National Sovereignty.
Are you interested in the issue of national sovereignty, Agenda 21 and what it all means to Missouri?  Consider hosting an event about it at your church, home or other and invite Amy Fox to speak.  Through research she found her local community was being influenced by proponents of Agenda 21.  She works with local leaders, legislators, city governments and citizens to enable them to push back against big government.

Amy Fox
Issues Specialist-National Sovereignty

Defend the unborn
There are a variety of ways to make your voice heard on behalf of the unborn such as participation in Life Chain, being a Prayer Presence on the sidewalk in front of the local Planned Parenthood office, participate or organize 40 Days for Life, throw a baby shower for your local Crisis Pregnancy center and more.  Contact Gina Allen today to find out how you can make the next step to protect the unborn of Missouri.

Gina Allen
Pro Life Coordinator

Sign up for CWA of Missouri e-alerts
Stay in tune with CWA of Missouri legislation, events, projects and more!  E-mail us today, and we will put you on the list.

Start a Prayer/Action Chapter
A Prayer/Action Chapter is a group of people who meet, usually once a month to pray, learn and take action regarding issues that fall under CWA’s seven core issues. Contact us to find out if there is a Prayer/Action Chapter in your area or how to start one.

Be Part of our Voter Registration Program
Be trained on how to register people at church to vote, help with absentee voting and/or voting information.

Bev Ehlen
State Director

CWA is made up 100% of volunteers.  We are volunteers who love the Lord and want to be used by Him through the ministry of CWA concerning our core issues.  Find out the many ways you can volunteer for CWA of Missouri by contacting Val Cummings.  From something as simple as sponsoring your member of the Missouri General Assembly for the Easter Project or Constitution Day Project or writing a letter to the editor you are needed!

Val Cummings
Volunteer Coordinator