Maine’s First Annual Respect Life Day at the Capitol

By February 17, 2014Maine

As Maine Right to Life hosts the First Annual Respect Life Day at the Capitol, Concerned Women for America of Maine (CWA of Maine) will join Maine’s network of organizations respecting life from conception to natural death for an informational and educational event for legislators and their staffs as well as those visiting the Capitol. The event will be held February 26 at the Hall of Flags from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

CWA of Maine will have our pro-life display set up, and we invite each of you to visit our exhibit as well as meet your lawmakers. If you are part of our Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) program and wish to meet your EAL lawmaker, this is a great chance to do that as well. You will also have the opportunity to meet and speak with other leaders respecting life, learn what’s new in our movement (such as abortion clinic closing in Maine) and what you can do to become a more effective advocate for life issues in Maine and the nation.

Exhibitors participating in Respect Life Day at the Capitol include organizations supporting pregnant mothers and their children (born and unborn), adoption services, hospice, post-abortive counseling for women and men, prayer programs, respect life advocacy organizations and MORE!

Prepare now by contacting your EAL lawmaker and your members of the state legislature and make appointments to see and speak with them during our event. To find out who your lawmakers are, go here.

Families, students, singles, and seniors are welcome to attend this family-friendly, educational respect life event. February 26 — mark your calendar now and join us along with our esteemed respect life colleagues from across Maine.