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Mainers – Tell HHS You Support the New Regulations on Title X – Funds Not for Abortion

By June 11, 2018Maine
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The Title X program is a voluntary grant program that was created to educate and provide family planning services. Even though the law says that abortion is not family planning, abortion giants like Planned Parenthood have used this grant program as their own personal slush fund. But now we have the chance to stop it!

As with any federal regulation, there is an open comment period where the public has the opportunity to express their views. After the 60-day comment period is up, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will review the comments and issue a final rule based on the public’s feedback.  The deadline is July 31, but we want to comment right away and then use the remainder of the time to encourage those we know to comment as well.

Take Action:

  • Submit your comment to the U.S. HHS Secretary Azar regarding Title X Funds for family planning. Simply go to the Concerned Women for America website link, The Protect Life Rule, and follow the instructions. It’s easy and only takes a few minutes.  We have even put together a suggested comment that you can use as is or edit to your liking.  It is best if you add personal comments.
  • Be sure to let them know you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Maine.
  • Please send this e-alert to your like-minded friends, pastor, lawmakers, family and acquaintances.

Please Pray: “Father, please work on our behalf and protect us from paying for abortion with our taxes.  May our efforts be used to drastically hinder the deadly efforts of Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers.  Amen.”

It is imperative that Secretary Azar hears from all of us.  Planned Parenthood is angry about this, and they are mobilized with an army contacting Azar.  They will sue and do what they always do, so we must be vigilant, mobilized, passionate, strong and courageous on behalf of babies.

It’s time to stand up, speak up, and let your voice be heard.  This is our moment to stop taxpayer funding for abortion, and we only have June and July to stop Planned Parenthood and others from the misuse of this program. 

Penny Morrell
State Director
CWA of Maine

Partner with CWA of Maine through your financial support. We are continually grateful for those who give to the work of CWA of Maine. When you give to the state, all funds are used for state projects. To contribute your tax-deductible gift to CWA of Maine, please send a check written out to “Concerned Women for America” with “CWA of ME” on the memo line, and send to CWA of Maine, 864 Manchester Rd., Belgrade, ME  04917. Or, click here to contribute online.

Your involvement, financial gifts, and prayers could not be more appreciated.  Thank you!