Maine Religious Freedom Bill Sponsor Needs Encouragement

By April 7, 2015Maine

A note of encouragement would be very helpful right now to a culture war patriot in the Maine Legislature. Sen. David Burns (R-Whiting) has reintroduced the religious freedom bill. If you’re aware of what’s happened recently in Indiana and Arkansas, both Republican governors in those states have backtracked on standing firm for Christians. They have capitulated to the onslaught of fire from the left.

Last session when Sen. Burns first introduced the bill, he received so much push back from the left that his wife had to disconnect their home telephone for relief. We believe the senator will receive even more harassment this time because the Republicans have a majority in the Senate, and if it reaches the governor’s desk, we believe he will sign it.

Therefore, I ask, and plead with you to send Sen. and Mrs. David Burns a note of encouragement in the mail. They should hear from more of us then their opponents. The address is: 159 Dodge Road, Whiting, ME 04691. Or e-mail him at

Let the Burns know you stand with them, are praying for them, and if you are willing to come to Augusta to stand with him the day of the hearing for his bill, let him know that also. Even if you don’t testify, your presence in support of this legislation is very important. Right now though, your note of encouragement is needed the most. Thank you and God bless.