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Mail-In Voting: Contact Gov. Parson and Ask Him to Veto SB631!

By May 21, 2020Missouri
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Please contact Gov. Mike Parson and ask him to veto SB631, which allows mail-in voting for the 2020 August and November elections.  The conference report on SB631 was passed on the last day of the session with the ballot integrity protections stripped from the bill. SB631 disenfranchises Missouri voters by providing new opportunities for vote fraud.

Contact Information:
Office of Governor Michael L. Parson
P.O. Box 720 / Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: (573) 751-3222
Online email form

Here is the statement issued Friday by Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft opposing the final version of SB631, which allows mail-in voting without ballot integrity protections.

Jefferson City, Mo. — Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft issued the following statement in regard to Senate Bill 631:

“Over the past few months, I have been working with county clerks and legislators to create bi-partisan legislation that would enable Missourians to vote safely and securely in view of Covid-19 concerns.  I supported HCS for SB 552, because it allowed marginal expansion of absentee voting with safeguards of notarized ballots and a sunset clause. The bill also provided for a photo ID requirement, which Missourians overwhelmingly approved in 2016.

“The legislators in conference stripped the safeguards and voter ID from SB 631. Without the agreed upon safeguards, I have grave concerns that this bill will make voting less secure and jeopardize the integrity of our elections.”

Please pray before you call Gov. Parson. Please pray for the integrity of our elections in Missouri, that each person who is eligible to vote and wants to vote will vote.

“But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens” Exodus 18:21.

If you have any questions, please contact me.


Bev Ehlen
State Director