Let Ohio Vote on Court Nominee

Growing up in Cincinnati, you realize the region features two types of people: chili junkies and political junkies. Cincinnati is a hotbed for party debate and often a wild card when it comes to elections – which can be a positive as it gives Ohioans an influential voice in national decisions. We might disagree on the issues, but one topic Ohioans seem to agree on is “We the People” are distrustful of the current administration.

Not long ago, Ohio voters broke records for having the lowest job approval rating of President Obama in Quinnipiac poll history, nationally or in any state. At the time, 61 percent of Ohio voters disapproved of how he was handling his job. Fifty-seven percent of Ohio voters believe Obama is not trustworthy.

Given that, the recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has created a constitutional minefield. Scalia was one of the most logical, clearheaded advocates for judicial restraint and adherence to the text of the Constitution. He represented the opposite of the liberal ideology ascribing to a “living, breathing” Constitution that can be molded to fit the times – times like today, when our relativistic society allows feelings to trump fact.

Obama has the constitutional authority to nominate a candidate. But the Senate’s role is pivotal, too.

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