Legislative Update from the Gold Dome![GA State Capitol](https://concernedwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Georgia-state-capitol-dome-200x300.jpg)
The 2015 legislative session is moving at a very fast pace, and Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Georgia is on the front lines at the State Capitol representing your interests. Georgia’s legislative session is only 40 days in length, and Friday, March 13, marks Day 30, also known as Crossover Day. Crossover Day is the last day for legislation to pass the chamber in which it was introduced and transfer to the other chamber for consideration. Any bill that does not receive a vote in its initial chamber by Day 30 cannot move on in the legislative process.
Our effort before Crossover Day focuses mainly on three bills. Prayer, in addition to phone calls and e-mails, are needed on the following pieces of legislation:
SR 135 – Pari-mutuel wagering on horse racing
If we aren’t already in enough trouble trying to sustain the Hope Scholarship with revenues from the state lottery, some lawmakers now want to try another angle at raising revenues for education: pari-mutuel wagering on horse racing.
Position: Oppose
Status: Passed out of committee but must pass the full Senate by Friday, March 13.
Action: Contact your state senator and urge them to oppose SR 135. Click here to find your legislator.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to stop the passage of this constitutional amendment to expand gambling in Georgia.
SB 129 – Georgia Religious Freedom Restoration Act
CWA is concerned about the trend of government to diminish and disregard the God-given inalienable rights of individuals and are working to see our government strengthen and renew its commitment to respect and protect each individual’s exercise of his God-given inalienable rights. Here in Georgia, we need the assurance that we can live out our faith without the fear of government retaliation.
Position: Support
Status: Passed the senate by vote of 37-15. Click here to view how your senator voted. It now moves to the House where it will face a tough battle.
Action: Calls are needed immediately to the following:
- Speaker David Ralston – urge him to allow SB 129 to move forward. Phone: 404-656-5020/E-mail: david.ralston@house.ga.gov
- Rep. Wendell Willard, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee – urge him to allow SB 129 to be scheduled for a hearing. Phone: 404-656-5125/E-mail: wendell.willard@house.ga.gov
- Members of the House Judiciary Committee – urge them to support the bill without amendments. Click here for committee list with phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
Pray for passage of the legislation with no amendments.
SR 80 Advanced Placement U.S. History Resolution demanding revision by the College Board of Advanced Placement U.S. History (APUSH)
The College Board, led by David Coleman, the “architect” of Common Core, rolled out the new APUSH Framework and Exam in August. The new APUSH Framework is an all-out assault on our country’s heritage.
Position: Support
Status: Will be voted on by the full Senate on Wednesday, March 11.
Action: Action: Contact your state senator and urge them to support SR 80. Click here to find your legislator.
Pray that the legislators will seek to protect the Godly heritage and traditions of America and will vote in support of this resolution.