Legislative Update for May 10, 2013


Gosnell: On Thursday, we met with House leadership to discuss Congressional hearings and legislative strategy in response to the atrocities brought to light in the Kermit Gosnell trial.The House Judiciary and Energy and Commerce Committees sent letters out to all 50 states to investigate abortion clinic practices as a result of Gosnell’s trial.In addition to the review of our nation’s abortion laws, we are asking the House to conduct a thorough review of the enforcement process to ensure that women and children are not placed in the hands of butchers like Kermit Gosnell. It is unconscionable that nail salons and tattoo parlors have higher sanitary standards and inspection oversight than abortion clinics.

Workplace Flexibility Act: The House passed The Workplace Flexibility Act on a 223-204 vote.This legislation helps families achieve balance between family life and work by providing greater workplace flexibility. It gives private sector employees the same choices government workers already have, the ability to choose between overtime and compensatory pay.Click here to see how your representative voted.Please thank your representative if they supported this bill.To find your representative, please click here.

Next Week:The House will vote on Rep. Michele Bachmann’s bill, H.R. 45, to repeal ObamaCare.Please call your representative and urge him/her to support this legislation on the House floor.To find your Member of Congress, please click here.


Nomination: The nomination of Thomas E. Perez for Secretary of Labor was supposed to come up in the Senate Health, Education, Labor, & Pension (HELP) Committee this Wednesday. Instead, the controversy following Mr. Perez moved Republicans to invoke a parliamentary procedure, which caused the Committee to reschedule. Perez’s nomination is likely to be brought back up on May 16.

For more details, click here to read CWALAC’s letter to the Senate HELP Committee.

Gosnell Resolution: The Senate took up a resolution calling for action relating to the trial of Kermit Gosnell.On Wednesday, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) brought his resolution to the floor. Sen. Lee tried to get unanimous consent, but Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) objected. If passed, Sen. Lee’s resolution would have gained a sense of the Senate that Congress and the states should investigate and correct abusive, unsanitary, and illegal abortion practices. Instead, Sen. Blumenthal asked for consent on an alternative resolution, which was more general and, if passed, would have looked to create yet another federal government program as a solution, instead of working with states to correct the problem.

Senate Democrats overlooked women’s health and the killing of innocent babies after they were born alive.It’s time Senate Democrats are held responsible for choosing to water down the issue and cling to their lock step approach to abortion clinics, instead of recognizing the need for regulation.

Action: Please call your senator, and urge them to keep fighting to protect women and their innocent, born babies at the hands of abortionists like Kermit Gosnell.Your senators can be reached at (202) 224-3121.