Legislative Update for July 20, 2012

D.C. Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act:

This week the House Judiciary Committee approved the D.C. Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Members on the committee voted along party lines, moving the bill forward with a favorable vote of 18-14. This legislation prohibits women in the District of Columbia from obtaining an abortion after 20 weeks. Studies show according to the fertilization age measurement, which is equivalent to 22 weeks gestation in the District of Columbia, that a child this far along is able to physically feel pain to a high degree.

With 215 cosponsors, Rep. Trent Franks (R-Arizona) is leading the fight in the House. A new The Polling Company, Inc./WomanTrend poll, conducted July 12-15, shows that 27-58% ofAmerican adults would be more likely to vote for lawmakers who support this bill.

Act now: Call your representatives now at 202-224-3121, and urge them to support the D.C. Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.To find your representatives, click here.

Parental Rights:

A hearing on a proposed constitutional amendment concerning parental rights was taken up in the House Subcommittee on the Constitution. This amendment will not only protect parental rights over their children, but it will also permit these rights to become specifically enumerated in the text of the Constitution. It will not apply in cases where a parent’s action or decision would end a life, and neither the Senate’s treaty power nor the courts can subject parental rights to international law.

It is imperative that the fundamental rights of parents are protected. The primary responsibility for raising children lies with the parents and not the government. The Parental Rights Amendment will ensure that parents retain these rights.

Pro-life language in House spending bill:

Also in the House this week, the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education approved the FY2013 Labor-HHS-Ed spending bill. Included in the bill were several pro-life, pro-conscience efforts. As well as funding cuts to the ObamaCare law and Planned Parenthood.

Act now: Call Chairman Denny Regberg (R- Montana) at 202-225-3211 and Chairman Hal Rogers (R- Kentucky) at 202-225-4601 and thank them for their leadership on this legislation.

United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Treaty:

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee was scheduled to markup the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Treaty, but instead, this was postponed. CRPD is a feel-good attempt at limiting liberty for the United States abroad and at home. This treaty will hurt parents and caregivers of people with disabilities by subjecting them to U.N. oversight, regulations, and control. In doing this, a judge or other government official would be able to trump the parent’s wishes when it comes to the education of their child with disabilities. This will remain on CWALAC’s radar.

Click here to listen to Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee’s Director of Legislation, Shari Rendall, and Concerned Women for America’s Online Communications Strategist, Chelsen Vicari, discuss the CRPD with former-Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania).