Legislative Update for February 21, 2014

Both the Senate and the House of Representatives were out-of-session this week.


While Members of Congress were in their districts, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) continued to meet with House staff on the Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act of 2014, H.R. 3865.  Since this legislation was only reported out of the Ways and Means Committee the week before, many staffers were unaware of the legislation.  We highlighted the importance of prohibiting the IRS from finalizing its proposed regulation that would restrict first amendment rights of free speech for 501(c)(4) organizations.  During several of these meetings, we had the opportunity to see the power of prayer.  In one office, a staffer shared how his mother was a good friend of Linda LaHaye Murphy, who led her to the Lord on a trip to the Grand Canyon.  Another office shared how they had a preacher on staff and started each morning in their Congressional office with prayer and a devotional.

Act: Please call your representative and ask him to support H.R. 3865.  Click here to find your representative.  And please continue to pray for your elected officials and their staff.  Prayer changes things.