Legislative Update for August 17, 2012

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke

Congress is in recess until September 10. This means your members are home and in your “backyard.”Nothing is more fun in the summertime than a backyard grill. So contact your Members of Congress, tell them your concerns, and hold them accountable for their actions here in Washington, D.C.

Act Now:

With the recent shooting at the Family Research Council, this week is a reminder that your prayers are needed here in Washington, D.C. While groups like Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) work on your behalf, we require “back-up.” Everyone knows the best defense is a good offense, so we ask that you pray for the safety and efforts of CWALAC staff as we work here in D.C. and around the nation. To read Concerned Women for America’s official press statement on the shooting, click here.

Movement with Attorney General Eric Holder Stonewalling Congress:

This week, while members were home in their districts, the House of Representatives filed a civil lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Holder. In doing this, the House hopes to obtain information on the gun-running operation that resulted in the death of an American agent. Why is the House resorting to what seems like an extreme measure? Click here for some background information.