Late-Term Abortion in Our Nation’s Capital

Washington, D.C. – Concerned Women for America President and CEO Penny Nance has released the following statement in response to the House vote on the D.C. Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 3803):

“It is deeply disturbing that Michael Vick’s treatment of dogs can cause such outrage, and yet, we cannot get two-thirds of the House to protect a baby when it can be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the child feels significant pain as it is ripped apart in its mother’s womb. The House voted to pass the D.C. Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act 220-154, but that wasn’t enough to meet the bare minimum requirement of a two-thirds vote under the House’s Suspension of the Rules.

“In the District of Columbia, you can abort your child for any reason. And despite the fact that significant medical evidence shows that a baby feels considerable pain at 20 weeks, dismemberment abortions – during which the arms and legs of the child are literally and brutally ripped from their writhing bodies – are allowed up to 26 weeks in the District. Americans overwhelming object to this cruelty, and yet, we cannot get a decent vote from our representatives.

“Opponents claim that if you support this bill, you are bullying D.C. residents. But when you know that aborting your child will cause it such pain, who’s the real bully? Washington, D.C. is supposed to be this beacon of freedom and justice for all in the free world. Yet, children – unprotected and without a voice – are callously aborted in the District without any consideration for the pain they feel. That is beyond wrong.”