Kentucky Clerk Jailed For Her Religious Beliefs

CWALAC_MediaStatementWashington, D.C. – Today, Kim Davis, an elected Kentucky county clerk was found in contempt and jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses after the Obergefell decision, as it violates her religious beliefs. Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny Nance had this to say:

“We support Kim Davis’ right to act according to her conscience and face the consequences.  Her predicament is the direct result of the lawlessness promoted by the Supreme Court of the United States itself with its unconstitutional Obergefell decision. It’s flippant, and frankly insulting, treatment of religious liberty and Obergefell is a disgrace to that great institution.

“Same-sex ‘marriage’ supporters are chastising Mrs. Davis now, but they were the same group of people that applauded with glee when public officials forced the granting of marriage certificates to same-sex couples in direct violation to their state constitutions, before the Supreme Court’s decision.  They are not concerned about the law or the constitution but simply want to promote their activism through it.

“We believe the law should provide reasonable accommodation to any person who does not want to participate in a same-sex ‘marriage’ union because of their deeply held religious beliefs, as has been done in other areas throughout our history.”

For additional information or an interview with Penny Nance, please contact Janae Stracke at or 712-269-1724.