Kansas Legislative Update – Bills, Bills!

By March 9, 2016Kansas

Click here to find out who your representative and senator are and how to contact them.

Sex Opt In (HB 2199) – requires school districts to get approval from parents for sexuality education by opting in instead of out.  HB 2199 is in the House and will possibly be voted on this week.

Action: Contact your representative and ask him/her to vote YES on HB 2199.

Local Control of Kansas Education (HB 2292) gives local control over Kansas Education relating to the student data privacy act.  It is important that this bill pass with no amendments.

Action: Contact Speaker of the House Ray Merrick (R-District 27) and encourage him to bring HB 2292 to the house floor for a vote.  And then contact your representative and ask him/her to vote YES on HB 2292 with no amendments when it comes to the floor.

Tax Credit for Schools (HB 2457) – tax credit for low income scholarship program.  Will give more opportunity for low income students.

Action: Contact your representative and ask him/her to vote YES on HB 2457.

Charitable Healthcare Providers (HB 2615) – allows physicians and dentists to donate charity care to low-income Kansans.  The physicians and dentists will benefit in receiving continuing education credits.  The idea was formulated by Rep. Dan Hawkins (R-Wichita).  HB 2615 is currently in the Committee on Public Health and Welfare.

Action: Contact the members of the committee and encourage them to vote YES on HB 2615. Click here for their names and contact information.

No do not Resuscitate Order (SB 437) – requires written permission of at least one parent or legal guardian of the patient or resident under 18 years of age.

Action:  Contact your senator and encourage him/her to vote YES SB 437.

Prayer: Please pray for the Senate and the House members, their leadership and Gov. Brownback.  The pressure builds, and they and their families need His Presence to see them through the session.  Pray for unity among the like-minded conservatives. When we speak the word of God with boldness, we become one as what took place in Acts 4:31&32.

Please forward this information to family and friends to pray and take action.

You are a blessing with all you do.  I appreciate your prayers and assistance.