June 8 Prayer/Action Alert: Do Not Grow Weary and Faint

Many of us are growing weary of the restriction of our normal activities because of the COVID-19 virus. And now, we are watching a rebellious spirit move through our nation. For these reasons, Jeremiah 31:25 struck a chord with me: “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” God has given us His Son Christ Jesus and His written Word to refresh and satisfy our desire for goodness, peace, joy, and love for others. Above all of this insanity is our knowledge that none of this surprises our Heavenly Father.

Founder John Adams warned us that our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. Many of us have witnessed the banishing of God from public places for decades. I am grateful that Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) mission is to protect and promote Biblical values and Constitutional principles through prayer, education, and advocacy. And our vision is to lead a movement dedicated to impacting the culture for Christ through education and public policy.

Take the Next Step
CWA of Washington invites you to engage with us by joining or leading a Prayer/Action Chapter.

Chapters give CWA members a voice in their communities as they meet regularly to encourage informed prayer and action for our nation, state, communities, and leaders. Please contact the state office for more information on how to become a Prayer/Action Chapter Leader.  The current culture desperately needs sincere, compassionate, passionate prayers and actions! If not you, then who?

Update – Referendum 90
Last month, I wrote about Referendum 90 – a ballot initiative to reverse ESSB 5395. If you have been collecting signatures for this referendum, I thank you and encourage you to pray for sufficient valid signatures to put the mandated, statewide “comprehensive sexual education” issue on the November ballot for the citizens of the state to decide what is appropriate for their beloved children!  Click here to stay informed on the issue.


  • Seek out other citizens in your community who are concerned about the moral and spiritual decline of our nation and culture and gather them to pray. A Prayer/Action Chapter is an easy and effective way to do that, so consider starting a chapter today.
  • Prayer walk your neighborhood or town/city with a friend.

Focus on Jeremiah 31:25 and do not grow weary or faint. Together, let us restore this nation to our Biblical religious heritage and bless others!

Maureen Richardson
State Director