Judge Corwin’s Pro-Abortion Ruling Will Be Overturned

By July 17, 2013North Dakota

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of North Dakota State Director Janne Myrdal issued the following statement following news that the state’s 2011 law intending to protect women’s health by restricting the use of abortion-inducing drugs to the protocol that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) originally received for the approval of the drug was struck down as unconstitutional:

East Central North Dakota Judge Wickham Corwin’s decision comes as no surprise to those of us who fight for life in North Dakota. He had already said that he would rule in favor of the abortion clinic on its challenge – just one of his many improprieties along the way. We all know where he stands on the issue of abortion and his willingness to legislate from the bench on the issue. Corwin had called the legislation “simply wrongheaded” a long time ago – not “unconstitutional,” which is a legal term, but “wrongheaded,” which is language more appropriate for the legislature.

As evidenced by his overly broad, radical decision this week, it is clear he has strong feelings on this issue and has let those feelings dictate his rulings on this case. He should have recused himself from these cases from the beginning in order to let an impartial jurist handle these important cases for the sake of justice and fairness.

As CWA of North Dakota has said before, the people of North Dakota simply cannot trust Judge Corwin or his ruling on this case.

CWA of North Dakota applauds North Dakota Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem on his decision to appeal the decision to the North Dakota Supreme Court, and we commit to lift him and his team in prayer as they prepare. We are confident the Supreme Court will respect the duly enacted laws of North Dakota and overturn this malicious, misguided ruling.