Join Your Voice With Others This Monday to Stop the Ban on Conversion Therapy

By August 3, 2018California

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ” (Colossians 2:8).

The California Legislature returns from its summer recess on Monday, August 6. AB 2943, the bill to ban counseling that helps individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender issues, could be voted on in the Senate floor as early as their first session that begins at 2:00 p.m. THIS Monday.

Please join a statewide effort to call key state senators and the governor, asking them to oppose AB 2943.

The senators listed below are our best opportunity to change the course of this bill and protect the freedom to acknowledge the transformational power of Christ in people’s lives. Simply ask each senator to oppose AB 2943 or abstain from voting.

Ben Hueso (D)
Capitol Office (916) 651-4040
District Office (619) 409-7690

Richard D. Roth (D)
Capitol Office (916) 651-4031
District Office (951) 680-6750

Anthony J. Portantino (D)
Capitol Office (916) 651-4025
District Offices (818) 409-0400

Ed Hernandez (D)
Capitol Office (916) 651-4022
District Office (626) 430-2499

Connie M. Leyva (D)
Capitol Office (916) 651-4020
District Office (909) 888-5360

Bill Dodd (D)
Capitol Office (916) 651-4003
District Office (707) 224-1990

Steven Bradford (D)
Capitol Office (916) 651-4035
District Office (310) 412-6120

Holly J. Mitchell (D)
Capitol Office (916) 651-4030
District Office (213) 745-6656

Please also ask Gov. Brown to veto AB 2943 if it is presented to him.

Governor Edmund G. Brown
(916) 445-2841

Thank you so much for all your time and support.  Concerned Women for America of California is on the move to bring Biblical principles to all levels of public policy. Your committed prayers and actions are achieving this.

All for God’s glory,

Marlo Tucker
State Director
CWA of California