Join in the Concerted Effort TODAY to Oppose AB 2943

By June 22, 2018California

Hello CWA of California!

Today there is a state-wide effort to communicate to the California Senate our strong opposition to AB 2943.  Please take a minute to contact your Senator and ask him to oppose AB 2943. If you are available to visit their district office today, all the better.

As you know, AB 2943 prohibits free speech, a serious First Amendment infringement, on matters pertaining to sexual orientation and gender identity.

 AB 2943 also violates First Amendment religious freedoms by targeting traditional/conservative beliefs. Biblical principles would be considered fraudulent and illegal. The implications may extend beyond patient/therapist relationships and into pastoral counseling, book sales, events involving the topics of sexual orientation and gender identity and more. It could possibly force Christian counselors out of business and prevent individuals from seeking desired help.

All Californians must be free to live, to counsel and seek counsel, to write and to read books, according to their faith, without fear of government intervention or penalty. 

Please continue to pray and act to oppose AB 2943.

Take Action Today, June 22.  Join in the state-wide effort to contact or visit your state senator’s district office to let him/her know you oppose AB 2943.  Click here to find your senator. Then, on their website, click on “Contact me.” Contact or visit their district office.  Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of California.  If you are unable to get to this until this weekend, do not hesitate to leave a message. 

The bill passed Senate Judiciary on June 12, and it now moves to the Senate Appropriations Committee; this is a handful of senators reviewing the fiscal ramifications of this bill.  Please also contact them to help stop this unethical bill from passing.  Click here to do so.

 Please pray for California senators, that their eyes are open to the severity of this bill. May their hearts be changed to vote “NO” on AB 2943.

Your diligence in this matter is greatly appreciated.

“The LORD also will be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble” (Psalm 9:9).

Marlo Tucker
State Director
CWA of California