iVoterGuide – A CWALAC Recommended Resource for the Pennsylvania Primary

By April 27, 2020Pennsylvania

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee is pleased to be able to partner with iVoterGuide to provide you with an up-to-date voters’ guide for your upcoming state primary election.  We pray that this information is helpful to you as you prepare to vote.

The voter guide covering the Primary Election in Pennsylvania is ready!  Federal, statewide and state legislature races are included in the guide. The election was regularly scheduled for April 28, 2020, but it has been moved to June 2, 2020.  Mail-in ballots are now also available to all voters. To vote absentee or by mail-in ballot, completed applications must be received in the county office by 5:00 p.m. on May 26.  Marked ballots must be received by the local election office by the close of polls on June 2.

Please note: Information in this email is current as of the send date.  However, election methods and dates are changing rapidly as communities battle Coronavirus.  All changes will be posted to our special COVID 19 Election Updates page, so please check it for changes prior to voting.

Thank you for your faithfulness!

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee and iVoterGuide

Tanya Ditty
Vice President of Field Operations
Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee