It Is Not In The Best Interest Of South Dakota To Have Liquor Available 24/7

By February 18, 2015South Dakota

HB1123 is an act to authorize alcoholic beverages to be sold, served, and consumed in certain on-sale licensees during an extended period of time. This is a Deadwood bill.

Currently, statewide it is illegal to sell and serve alcoholic beverages between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. HB1123 would wipe out that restriction in certain casino/bars in Deadwood, in effect, allowing 24/7 liquor sales/service.

The only prohibition for liquor would be Christmas Day.

We are concerned that this opens the door for 24/7 sales/service statewide.

Additional alcohol consumption contributes to domestic violence, human trafficking, motor vehicle accidents, alcoholism, illegal drug sales and use, illicit sex, and general immorality.

It is unconscionable that bar/casino owners must cater to customers’ vices 24 hours a day.

HB1123 will be heard in House Commerce and Energy Committee Wednesday, February 18. If it passes there, it will go to the full House.

ACTION: Contact your two representatives and urge them to vote NO on HB1123. Click here to access their e-mail.