Is, Or Is Not, the ERA Dead in Virginia?

By January 23, 2019Virginia

Thank you for joining with us in prayer over the last two weeks, asking the Lord to thwart the plans of those promoting the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in Virginia.  God is faithful and answered our prayers!

The House Sub-Committee of Privileges and Elections met Monday, January 22, and voted 4-2 to pass by indefinitely (PBI) four separate bills that would have ratified the ERA. To clarify, PBI, allows the committee to reconsider legislation at a later meeting. If the committee takes no further action, the bill is “dead.” An answer to prayer, HOWEVER, we must stay diligent. 

Why must we stay diligent?! The Washington Post reported last night that the two Democrats on the committee who supported the measure expressed hope the full committee will revive the legislation. Some sources say it could be as early as this Friday! 

Now is not the time to back down! We must continue to make our voice heard! Both those on the House Committee of Privileges and Elections, and your delegate, need to hear from you. Those who support the ERA have already started to put immense pressure on the House Committee of Privileges and Elections to reconsider.  Our voices must be clear and unrelenting in our opposition. 

During Monday’s sub-committee hearing SJ284, HJ583, HJ579 and HJ577 were presented and both those in support and opposition were given opportunity to testify.  The packed committee room was overrun by those who supported the ERA, however, common sense and a strong statement from the Vice Chair, Delegate Margaret Ransone (R-District 99), overcame the odds. View her fearless comments here starting around the 43:00 mark.

Please take action now!

  1. Email and/or call the members of the House Committee of Privileges and Elections and ask them to not reconsider the ERA. Click here for talking points if you would like to expound. (Even if you called them previously do not hesitate to contact them again to let them know where you stand if it were to be reconsidered.) Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Virginia. (If convenient, when contacting the following committee members offices, thank the following delegates for courageously voting against the ERA in sub-committee: Delegate Ransone (R-District 99), Delegate Fowler (R-District 55), Delegate McGuire (R-District 56) and Delegate Ingram (R-District 62).
  2. Contact your delegate in case it goes to the house floor for a vote. Click here to find out who your delegate is and how to contact him or her.
  3. Attend the anti-ERA event in Richmond this Thursday. The Richmond rally and lobby day scheduled for this Thursday, January 24, has been turned into a lobby day and a time to hear speakers over lunch. The lobbying will be focused on encouraging the legislators that have consistently opposed the ERA. It will be from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.  Do all you can do to attend and bring other women with you. Numbers matter! RSVP TODAY by clicking here. For security purposes, we need to be able to provide a list of names of those who will be attending the event. We will send you the specific location and additional details once you have registered. 
  4. Please forward this to others immediately and encourage them to pray and take action.

Please continue to pray against the ERA in Virginia. First, thank the Lord for the committee’s vote against the ERA.  Second, pray that that is the last we have seen of the ERA in 2019.

Toni DeLancey
State Director
CWA of Virginia