Tamara Scott, State Director of Concerned Women for America of Iowa, and I were invited to our newest Prayer/Action Chapter leader’s book club in Clinton, Iowa, Tuesday, June 18. What an inspiration this group was to us. What a joy to see their devotion to prayer, this nation and their desire to gain an understanding of the importance of involvement in politics; they were so encouraging, like a cup of cold water.
For the last 22 weeks (give or take a couple blizzards), the group has been studying the book Jesus Is Involved in Politics by Neil Mammen. This book is unique as it is “aimed at helping Christians start small groups and give Biblical and Historical reasons to convince their Pastors, Elder Boards and fellow Christians, why Christians and the Church critically need to be involved in Politics.”
The group allowed Tamara Scott to share at the end of their study. Tamara shared with them the importance of Prayer/Action Chapters and that we at CWA of Iowa would love to see a Prayer/Action Chapter in every legislative district here in Iowa. She explained the importance of prayer and how each group will be called to action at different times. For example, Monday we had notified our Prayer/Action Chapter leaders to have themselves and their members call their Congressman and ask them to support H.R. 1797 the PAIN-CAPABLE UNBORN CHILD PROTECTION ACT.
While Tamara was explaining this, I looked at my e-mail and there it was the press release from our National CWA office. H.R. 1797 had passed in the House of Representatives. I broke in and shared the great news with the group. It was a powerful moment. One of the members of the group broke into the most beautiful prayer of thanksgiving. God is so good. What a joy to share the power of prayer and the power of the Prayer/Action Chapters.
We could not be more thankful for each and every Prayer/Action Chapter across this great state. Know that we admire and are grateful to God for your commitment to God’s Word and its application to our country, state, communities and families. Blessings to every one of you!
Denise Bubeck
State Coordinator
P.S. Are you part of a local Prayer/Action Chapter? There may be one in your area. Contact me today to find out.