How You Can Promote Christian Heritage Week in Missouri during the Week of Thanksgiving

By October 31, 2017Missouri

About 25 years ago, Bruce Barilla from West Virginia took the initiative of promoting the week of Thanksgiving as “Christian Heritage Week”. Every year, governors, mayors, and boards of county commissioners across the country are approached to sign proclamations that recognize our country’s Christian roots.

Christian Heritage Week is set aside annually to acknowledge the vital role that Christianity has played in our nation’s history. Each year, the celebration occurs during the week of Thanksgiving. Citizens are encouraged to seek proclamations from their governors, county commissions, and mayors, which acknowledge our Christian heritage.

Concerned Women for America of Missouri is in contact with the office of Gov. Greitens seeking his participation. We are asking our members to take on this project with their local government entities. We have created proclamations for the board of county commissioners or the mayor of one’s city to sign.

We hope that this becomes an annual event and continually grows here in Missouri and nationwide. It is so important to know our Christian heritage. Sadly, public schools are not teaching the Christian foundation of our country and the importance it played in forming our republic.

Take Action: Please contact us to get a proclamation that you can have your mayor and/or board of county commissioners sign. We can send the document to you via email for you to print, or we can print one on 8.5 x 14 parchment paper and mail it to you. A gift of $5 to cover the cost of shipping would be appreciated.

Please Pray:  Pray that this ministry will grow in our great state of Missouri.

Bev Ehlen
State Director
CWA of Missouri