Honoring Our Fallen

By June 2, 2014California


As in thousands of communities across the country, Modesto honored its fallen heroes in a Memorial Day remembrance ceremony at Lakewood Memorial Park. CWA of California State Director Patricia Thompson, Modesto Prayer/Action Chapter Leader Phyllis Davis, and CWA member Crystal Loeser attended the event to stand with the community and the families of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Patricia noted, “It was a beautiful service of remembrance honoring all those who gave their lives to protect our freedoms.”


Assemblywoman Kristin Olsen addressed the veterans, families, and community members saying of our fallen heroes, “They were sons and daughters, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters. They were strong and vibrant, they loved, and today, especially, they are greatly missed.” She added, “It’s our collective patriotism that will ensure that future generations will hear the sacrifices of those that came before us.”

Patricia spoke with Asm. Olsen after the ceremony. CWA recently visited the Capitol in support of her bill to assist parents with education costs . That bill, AB 1786, died in committee. Patricia and Phyllis were also able to discuss current issues with U.S. Rep. Jeff Denham (R-10thDist.) who participated in the Memorial Day event as well.