Homosexual Intimidation on Trial

By September 30, 2011Legal, National Sovereignty

The United States District Court for the Western District of Washington is set to decide this coming Monday, October 3, 2011, if the names of everyone who supported marriage by signing petitions for Washington State’s Referendum 71 (R-71) should be disclosed to homosexual activist groups. Disclosing these 138,000 names would create a chilling effect that will hinder freedom of religion and expression, and would literally put families in danger.

As happened in California when Proposition 8, which defined marriage as the union between one man and one woman, passed, Washington state homosexual activists mounted a frightful campaign of intimidation and harassment of anyone who supported traditional marriage upon the passage of R-71. Protect Marriage Washington presented hundreds of documents containing the countless threats supporters of traditional marriage received. Here are just a few examples of these documented threats:

Throw Rocks Here You guys deserve to die I’ll bust your cap. [I’ll] see you in my trunk. I’m going to give them something to be f****** scared of….I’m a radical who is now on a mission to make them all pay for what they’ve done. STUPID MOTHER F*****. MAKE A DONATION Like that AND YOU ARE LISTED. YOU LOST!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha Get ready for retribution all you bigots!!!!!! You conservative Christians are f****** poison. Can someone in CA please go burn down the Mormon temples there, PLEASE. I mean seriously. DO IT. F*** you Mormons. Yeah you heard me. F*** you. F*** you and your narrow minded hypocritical a****. F*** you for putting money into taking away a persons right. . . . As far as mormons and catholics…I warn them to watch their backs. I fully support violence against churches who are politically-active as anti-gay . . . . If you were afraid that your kids learning about homosexuals would corrupt them, you have no IDEA what I’m going to do to them.

This evidence is not in dispute; Judge Benjamin Settle will actually decide the case on cross motions for summary judgment. This means he will hear oral arguments on Monday, but the evidence is not in dispute.

Would you please commit to pray for this hearing and for the attorneys involved in this case (Doe v. Reed)? Let us stand with those who are fighting to protect God’s model for marriage.