Helping to Get the Word Out on the Issues of Sex Trafficking and Sharia Law

By November 1, 2011Maine


CWA of Maine was represented at two outstanding conferences this last weekend in Maine. The first was the Women at Risk Conference at Waldoboro Baptist Church. Rebecca McDonald, president of Women at Risk (WAR) International, told vivid stories of her work in the red-light district of major cities rescuing children from the insidious crime of slave prostitution. We had CWA brochures and information from our website available at our table regarding human trafficking and what CWA is doing to combat the problem. A special thank you goes out to Becky Morrell and Bethany Meservey for representing CWA so well at our information table. Click here for CWA’s brochures including Pornography and Sex trafficking: The Link. For addition information on the topic, go to our website,, and put “sex trafficking” in the search field.

Conferences1011b.jpgThe second event was the Jesus to Muslims Conference at Grace Community Chapel in West Gardiner. Speaker Dr. Steven Masood of Jesus To Muslims presented a Biblical approach to Islam. We made available at our CWA table information from our website on the Muslim religion and the threat it poses to the United States. We were pleased to have some of the attendees join CWA. It was a joy to see our friends Dot Herbert, Lori Gregory, Judy Icenogle and Anne Winslow at our information table. Click here for CWA’s brochure Sharia Law: A Threat to America as We Know it and click here for Sharia Law and the Constitution. DVDs of CWA’s Sharia Law Seminar held in Washington, D.C., in September will be available for sale in November. Check back at to order.