Help Make Informative Voter’s Guides Available to Kansas Christians

By June 22, 2016Kansas

You are Needed!

According to a study done by Barna Group, 40 to 50 million self-proclaimed Christians failed to vote in the last elections. There are 82 million self-proclaimed Christians in the country, meaning almost half did not exercise their right to vote.

There are many reasons Christians don’t vote.  One of those reasons is a lack of knowledge.

Join with us as we educate Kansas Christians on the different candidates running this election.   Christians need to know where the candidates stand on issues important to them.  The Body of Christ can make a wholesome change in Kansas politics; we already have, but we can do better.

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) of Kansas has taken on a big job . . . providing voters’ guides for Christians across Kansas.  We have sent out candidate surveys to 370 candidates.  We sent them out to all candidates for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, State Senate and State House.  They are now pouring in!

There is work to be done!  Will you join the CWALAC of Kansas Steering Committee in completing the project?  We need people to make phone calls, to do research via voting records, websites, Google searches and more.

Please pray and ask the Lord if one of these jobs is something He would have you do.

Take action by contacting me at and say, “Yes, I want to be part of getting the voters’ guides out to Kansas Christians!”

Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity to affect the outcome of the 2016 elections.


Barbara Saldivar
State Director
CWALAC of Kansas
(785) 260-5659

Contact me any time in the future to find out how you can get more involved in defending family values in your community, our great state and America.  We have positions open for the steering committee, Chapter leaders and Home Team Captains.  We always need donations to Kansas CWA.