Heartbeat Bill Update – Action Alert and This Saturday’s Heartbeat Rally in Columbus

By May 14, 2012Ohio

Make plans now to come to the FINAL PUSH Heartbeat Rally to be held THIS SATURDAY in downtown Columbus on the west (High Street) side of the Ohio Statehouse. Download a flier here.

We will be calling for the Senate to bring the Heartbeat Bill to a floor vote immediately. We fully expect Gov. Kasich to sign the bill and the courts to ultimately uphold it, so when the Senate votes, the killing stops! It certainly cannot stop without their vote.

Several groups and individuals will lead us in prayer and worship from 8:00 a.m. until Noon, including Rick Heil from Sonicflood , who has written a song specifically for Saturday’s event.

Then, from Noon to 2:00 p.m., we expect to hear from Bill McCartney , the founder of Promise Keepers, and Mike Gottfried , a former coach for the University of Cincinnati and commentator for ESPN.

Other speakers include Heartbeat Bill sponsor Rep. Lynn Wachtmann; Father Joseph Klee; Pastor Corey Shankleton; Anna Rae from Columbus radio station WRFD; Brad Mattes, director of the Life Issues Institute; Cynthia Dunbar, professor at Liberty University School of Law; Timothy Johnson, founder and chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation; Mark Harrington of Created Equal; Lori Viars , vice president of Warren County Right to Life, and Faith2Action President, Janet Porter.

Click here for information on parking, what to bring, and much more!

We also need to continue ringing the phones of the Senators throughout this week. Urge them to: “Give us a floor vote on the Heartbeat Bill – without weakening amendments.”

1. Senate President Tom Niehaus, 614-466-8082
2. Senator Shannon Jones, 614-466-9737
3. Your own State Senator – find by zip code here

Don’t buy the Senators’ excuse that we should abandon the Heartbeat Bill because the court “might” find it “unconstitutional.” Nearly every pro-life law on the books in Ohio was first challenged in court, including our ban on Partial Birth Abortion. Make your three calls today and get pro-life friends across the state to call, too.

If they tell you “it’s not moving,” DON’T BE DISCOURAGED. Remember, they work for us, and we need them to keep their pro-life promises to END abortion, not just regulate it! Remember, it was our calls in the House that brought it to the floor last June.

Thanks for your help!

The Heartbeat Team
(CWA of Ohio is one of many members of the Heartbeat Team)

CWA of Ohio