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Heartbeat Bill Moving! Act Today!

By February 15, 2021South Carolina

We are in the final stretch of the Heartbeat Bill.  S.1, The SC Fetal Heartbeat Protection from Abortion Act passed the South Carolina Senate, and the life of the unborn now rests with the South Carolina House. If passed, S.1 would prohibit abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected (6-8 weeks) and would be the strongest pro-life bill passed in our state legislature.

The House is set to start debate this week, and we need your help to get it over the finish line. 

Please take action!

  1. Call and/or email your state representative and urge him or her to support S1 and pass this legislation with no amendment. If you are unsure who your representative is, please click here. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of South Carolina, be sure to let them know.
  2. Please forward this information to like-minded friends and family. Encourage them to pray and take action on this life-saving legislation.

Please continue to pray. Pray for strength for our legislature to stand up for those who are unable to speak for themselves. Please pray for your representative specifically by name as you contact them.

God bless you for your faithfulness in prayer and action.

Madison Rainey
State Director