Hawaii: Urgent Call to Arms! Protect our Religious Freedoms Now!

By February 11, 2014Hawaii

Improved Religious Protections
HB 1624

“The Hawaii Religious Freedom Restoration Act (“Little RFRA”) of 2014 would restrict government actions against people of faith by applying the “compelling interest” test to withstand legal challenges against religious liberties.”

HB1624 would support people of faith by making it harder for government to interfere or burden the free exercise of religion since SB1 did not provide our churches the protections that we need, it is imperative that we do everything we can to push this bill through the Legislature.

Please pray for the Lord to encourage Rep. Karl Rhoads to secure a hearing for this legislation by the House Judiciary Committee before the deadline of February 13, 2014.

Take Action:

  1. E-mail Rep. Rhoads at reprhoads@capitol.hawaii.go, carbon copy the message to allreps@capitol.hawaii.gov. Be sure to fill in the subject line. While not required, it is highly recommended that you list your address, city and zip code at the bottom of the message so that you can be verified by your elected representative; follow up on your e-mail by calling him at 808-586-6180.
  2. Call the office of your own representative and let them know you would like HB 1624 to receive a hearing before the “First Lateral Filing Deadline” and that you would like them to ask Rep. Rhoads to give the bill a hearing. To find your representative, please go to http://capitol.hawaii.gov/findleg.aspx and follow the instructions.
  3. Please pass this information on to friends and family. We need to do what we can to make sure this bill will be heard by the House Judicial Committee by the deadline or it will die.

Please let us stand together to protect our religious freedoms before it is too late.


Barbara J. Ferraro
State Director
CWA of Hawaii