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Have You Drawn Your Battle Line?

Katherine Hern and Andrea Hines who are co-leaders of 40 Days for Life, Charlotte, reported to us that during this year’s spring campaign 40 babies were saved from abortion at the local Planned Parenthood facility.


Ladies from Concerned Women for America of North Carolina covered Thursday, April 14, with their prayers and presence.

While babies were being saved by the grace of God and the loving intervention of His faithful servants, 41 U.S. Senators signed a letter expressing their commitment to oppose any legislation that did not provide taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.

North Carolina Senator Kay Hagan, who has signed this commitment, (and will be up for reelection in three years) not only supports legalized abortion, but she also believes that your tax dollars should be used to fund the biggest abortion merchant in the land.

These Senators have drawn their battle line, have you drawn yours?

To participate in the battle and get informed, join a CWA Prayer/Action Chapter, contact:

For information about the next 40 Days for Life campaign in your area inquire at: