Happy Valentine’s Day to my Mother and Aborted Sibling

By February 14, 2014Blog, News and Events

A year ago, after taking my mom to see the CWA-endorsed movie, “October Baby,” she told me what she had tried to tell me on Mother’s Day for years. I found out that my mother had had an abortion (which she deeply regretted) when she was younger during the hardest years of her life. Unbeknownst to her, she had scheduled the abortion on Valentine’s Day. Years later, she, like millions of women who regret their abortions, has become a voice in support of life and works with post-abortive ministries. Growing up as an only child, it was the best gift to know that I have a sibling in heaven! This Valentine’s Day, I’m sending my love to my amazing, strong mother and my sibling that I cannot wait to meet.

Vday prolife 2TO: My Aborted Sibling in Heaven

You are loved!!!

I’m so thankful our mom had the courage to tell me that 30 years ago today she had an abortion that she regrets so very, very much. For all Valentine’s Days forward, we celebrate our love for you!

Now, my pro-life work at Concerned Women for America is dedicated to you, to help save other siblings!

P.S. So glad I’m not an only child. Can’t wait to meet you! It’s lonely down here without you.

FROM: Your Big Sis – Cherie

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Vday prolife 3TO: My Mother

Happy Valentine’s Day, Mom!

This Valentine’s Day, we remember and love my brother or sister that was aborted on Valentine’s Day 30 years ago.

Thankfully, through Christ and post-abortive ministries like “If Not for Grace“, our scarred hearts and bodies are filled with love and forgiveness.

We celebrate this Valentine’s Day!

P.S. So proud of your voice to other women to not believe the lies of abortion.

FROM: Your Daughter – Cherie

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Vday prolifeConcerned Women for America hopes that your day is filled with lots of love. Here is another Valentine’s cards for you to share with your mother who thankfully chose life. Please share our Valentine’s Day cards and help us spread the joys of love and life.

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