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Governor Paul LePage Issues A Proclamation of Prayer in Our Land

By June 28, 2011Maine
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We have an exciting event coming up on Saturday, August 6. The governor of Maine, the Honorable Paul LePage, has issued a proclamation for prayer in our land. Praise the Lord our governor relies on God to resolve the problems of our troubled state, nation and world. Click here to see a copy of the Proclamation.

Concerned Women for America of Maine will participate in the event. More details are to come, but mark your calendars to reserve the date as a solemn day of humiliation, fasting and prayer.

Please send a note of thanks to our governor for recognizing our reliance on our Creator for wisdom and direction in the decisions we make each and every day.

The governor’s address is:

Hon. Paul LePage
Office of the Governor
#1 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0001