Governor Abercrombie Considering a Special Session. Marriage is Now at Risk in Hawaii

By September 4, 2013Hawaii

Dear Friends,

We are writing to you with an urgent call to action! Marriage is under attack in Hawaii as lawmakers concoct a plan to circumvent the will of the people and impose so-called same-sex marriage in our state.

Gov. Neil Abercrombie is pulling all stops to bring pressure on lawmakers to vote for homosexual marriage in a special session. We must make our voices heard!

Call your legislator today and ask them to stand for marriage and children and against so called same-sex marriage. Click here to find your state legislators’ contact information.

Some say this is in response to the recent Supreme Court decisions, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Court specifically allowed states to define marriage, saying the federal government is to abide by our state’s definition.

They are also trying to hide behind a dishonest religious exemption that does nothing to protect individual religious freedom. Do not fall for it! Our religious freedoms are at risk if marriage is redefined.

But our religious freedoms are not the only thing that will suffer if they are successful. Our children will inevitably feel the effects most dramatically. The ill effects of fatherlessness are undisputed. For example, 70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes. Yet we now have a radical lobby group selling the idea that mothers and fathers don’t really matter. It is simply a lie.

But that is exactly what children will hear in public schools as they begin the indoctrination process to “normalize” the new “marriage” relationship.

But you and I can stop this if we act now!

Call your legislator today and ask them to stand for marriage and children and against so-called same-sex marriage. Click here to find your state legislators’ contact information.

Also, remember to spread the word to your family and friends. We need as many people as possible to let our elected officials know that we are watching what they are doing and will remember this in the next election. No elected official can say they are pro-family and act this recklessly against the best interest of families and children.


Penny Nance
CEO & President
Concerned Women for America

Barbara Ferraro
State Director
Concerned Women for America of Hawaii