Gov. Rauner Signs Vile “Health Care Right of Conscience” Bill into Law

By August 1, 2016Illinois

This law forces physicians, hospitals, and crisis pregnancy centers to discuss the benefits of abortion and refer patients to abortion clinics.

 “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20)

SB 1564, the Health Care Right of Conscience Bill is now law.

Despite valiant efforts by pro-life organizations, agencies, legislators, and citizens; Gov. Bruce Rauner deliberately signed the bill into law July 29, 2016 as an “in the face” to those opposing it. The bill would have automatically become law that very day without his signature, adding insult to injury. As a result of his vile act, physicians, hospitals as well as crisis pregnancy centers will be forced to discuss the benefits of abortion and refer the patient to a place where they can get an abortion.  Read it for yourself.  It truly is unbelievable.

Thankfully the Thomas More Society is taking up the case to overturn this law in court.

Gov. Bruce Rauner ran for office as a fiscal conservative with “no social agenda”.  Regrettably voters believed him.  He stands accountable to God Almighty for his decision to sign a bill into law that will potentially cause unborn babies to lose their lives.

Thank you for everyone who wrote letters, signed Witness Slips, e-mailed, and called the Governor to oppose the “Health Care Right of Conscience Bill”.

Please express your gratitude to those who stood boldly for life despite the immense opposition.

As Illinois appears to sink further and further into the abyss, remember, nothing is impossible for the Lord.  The government is upon His shoulders.  He is in command.  We must continue to stand and fight for the soul of America.  If God is for us, who can be against us?

“Be strong and courageous!  Don’t be afraid or discouraged … for there is a power far greater on our side!  We have the Lord our God to help us and fight our battles for us.” (2 Chronicles 32:7-8)

Pray Requests:

  • Pray for the Thomas More Society regularly. Pray they will be successful in overturning SB 1564 in court.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the lives of our Governor, his family, and Illinois Democrat lawmakers.
  • Pray the Church will rise up to publicly defend the lives of the unborn.
  • Pray at-risk mothers will choose life for their baby.
  • Pray for crisis pregnancy centers, pro-life doctors, etc. as they now must face the reality of disobeying their conscience. More importantly, the price of obeying God.  They will be living out Acts 5:19, sometimes, on a daily basis. “But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.”  Most of us will never face this kind of decision, when it comes to the law of the land, even once in our lifetime.  Pray for strength and courage for them and their families.

Action Item:

  • Contact those that stood bravely for life. Express your gratitude by giving them a call or sending them a note or email. View the list of that that voted for and against the bill hereHere is their contact information.  Contact as many as time allows.
  • Contact Gov. Rauner. Respectfully let him know of your immense disappointment in him signing SB 1564, even though it didn’t need his signature to become law.  Tell him that you see how his campaign statements like, “no social agenda” were nothing more than rhetoric.

It is a joy to fight these battles with you.

Debbie Leininger
State Director
CWA of Illinois

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