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Gov. Noem Declares a Day of Prayer and Fasting for All Humanity

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Gov. Kristi Noem has issued an Executive Proclamation declaring Saturday, May 4, 2019, “A Day of Prayer and Fasting for All.” This Proclamation is in response to the recently passed New York law that “permits the nearly limitless abortion of a child in utero, even in the last moments before that child’s eyes see the light beyond the womb; and…other states may seek to follow this path.”

Recognizing that “All life is sacred and that every person has dignity and worth. … Life is sacred from the moment of conception, … With all humility and in fitting fear of perdition, it is thus proper to bow before the unseen Author of all life and beg mercy in atonement for our own sins and the sins of our countrymen, that the cause of our sadness might be lifted from this land and harmony among all restored; and, Now, Therefore, I, Kristi Noem, Governor of the state of South Dakota, do hereby proclaim May 4, 2019, as 


in South Dakota and I respectfully request people of all creeds or none at all to observe this day with solemn mourning and pleas to heaven as best their consciences do direct.”

Concerned Women for America of South Dakota is grateful for the Governor’s request under this proclamation, as more than 60 million babies’ lives have been ended by abortion since 1973. Certainly, this is a tragic stain on our nation, and the mothers of the unborn – as well as the fathers, extended family members, and friends – have been affected by these regrettable decisions that ended these little lives. We join with the citizens of our state in prayer and fasting, humbly beseeching our Heavenly Father, the Giver of life, for His forgiveness and mercy.

Linda Schauer
State Director
CWA of South Dakota