Gov. LePage’s Veto Upheld – Abortion Providers Denied Additional Funds

By May 6, 2014Maine

As you know, CWA of Maine opposed LD 1247 and encouraged you to do the same. This bill would have given more funding to Family Planning and Planned Parenthood, the two major abortion providers in Maine.

On April 28, Gov. Paul LePage vetoed LD 1247, and then on May 1, the House failed to override his veto. A 2/3 vote in the House and Senate were needed to override his veto.

In Gov. LePage’s letter to the Members of the 126th Legislature dated April 28, he outlined his reasons for the veto. Click to read letter.

Thank the Lord: Take a moment to thank the Lord for this wonderful victory.

Thank you: A hearty “Thank You!” for your faithful prayers and actions concerning LD 1247.

Thank them: Look and see how your representative voted and thank him/her, or express disappointment, on how he/she voted. Click here to find out who your representative